Mastery = Vision + Will + Trust + Release
All Posts, Empowerment, insight and awareness, Self Reflection, self-actualization Jennifer Lehr's BlogOriginally published September 20th, 2019 in Medium.com's Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.
We are manifesting beings capable of mastery
I imagine being a huge eagle, soaring, almost effortless, catching the currents of wind, playing, trusting…

My Perfect Life
All Posts, Empowerment, insight and awareness, self growth, Self Reflection, self-actualization Jennifer Lehr's BlogFor as long as I can remember, I've had this idea of a perfect life. Maybe because as a child, teenager and young adult, I felt forsaken by God, I felt trapped in my actual life. I didn’t know how to get from the life I had to the untarnished and perfect life I wanted.