Entries by Jennifer Lehr MFT


A Poem: Giving Back Grief

I am from a long line of grief From the tears of women Of mothers Of the unmothered Dark concentric stains, decreasing in size Like the vantage point of the horizon, the perspective shift of space and time. I am from me, my mother, my grandmothers, and my great-grandmothers, whom I have never met.   […]

I Did Not Know We Are Flowers

I did not know we are flowers. I didn’t know until after I sobbed most of the afternoon for the tiny body of a mouse.   I was in the garden and noticed the live trap I had put there to catch the voles that were eating my purple-sprouted broccoli and other greens. I was […]

Making Amends

To All Those Creatures Who Enriched My Life Recently, I have been donating money monthly to a horse rescue (Colby’s Crew Rescue) that buys horses from a slaughter facility, rehabilitates them, and finds them good homes. These horses have been used and thrown away. Some are injured or diseased, or they are old, missing teeth, […]