Entries by Jennifer Lehr MFT

You Are on a Journey of Aliveness

Owning it will change your life We are alive; every breath, every action, every moment is alive. Every moment we generate energy — love, hatred, peace, joy, stress, determination, force. We may do this because of or in spite of the conditions around us. This morning, I drove into town to take a yoga class. […]

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Mastery = Vision + Will + Trust + Release

Originally published September 20th, 2019 in Medium.com’s Change Your Mind, Change Your Life. We are manifesting beings capable of mastery I imagine being a huge eagle, soaring, almost effortless, catching the currents of wind, playing, trusting the currents. My wings are spread wide. The breeze is cool. I twist and turn and glide, enjoying my […]

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Yoga as a Lens into Character Structure

If you were to see character structure disorders as an image or bodily metaphor, you would see someone who hobbled along, with little freedom of movement always responding the same way to specific situations, rather than having the ability to choose their response and move freely, as a dancer would.
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