About Jennifer Lehr MFT
Author, Founder of WeConcile® and Healing Witch. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
Entries by Jennifer Lehr MFT
I was outside. It was night. Someone was behind me: his hands on the small of my back propelling me dangerously forward with enormous force. I was scared. I tried to decompress the uncomfortable arch in my back but the force was too great. I tried to steer myself towards a large overweigh man, thinking […]
The Little Black Bag
I heard a story today about ‘the little black bag.’ One of my yoga teachers told the story of when she first realized that she loved to write. She was in 2nd grade. But then at a parent teacher meeting her teacher indicated that perhaps there was a problem with her stories. This woman decided then […]
What is Compassion?
Sometimes we confuse compassion with rescuing someone else. Compassion is not rescuing. It is feeling the other person’s pain. Compassion does not mean that you agree with how they see reality. But it is understanding and caring about their reality. I’ve always been a compassionate person. I have always had empathy for those people, animals […]
Inside and Out
Some of the big shifts in my life occurred when I started to look at the difference between inside and out. Examining this difference allows you to discriminate between what you think you want (ego perspective) and what your life wants of you (spiritual perspective). Sometimes these are the same things – but not always. […]
This past Saturday Mike and I were married. Our wedding was beautiful and felt blessed. We were surrounded by love and support. We shared our inner feelings about each other in a visible ceremony of commitment. A wedding is such a powerful ritual because it symbolizes family, commitment, love, and connection. It symbolizes a new […]
Accepting Life’s Challenges
As I work at accepting life’s challenges, I find myself in a chapter of my life where I am sifting, sorting, and reorganizing who I am. Sometimes I see the more expansive parts of myself – the parts that can hold a goal over a long period of time and work towards them without much […]
The Practice of Gratitude is a Choice
Post updated June 6th, 2020 What is the definition of gratitude? Gratitude is the emotion of being thankful. If we are thankful, we appreciate and are in connection with the thing we are grateful for. This can be something outside ourselves, like the amazing redwoods in the picture above. Or it can be for an […]
Creating Our New World
We are stepping forward into a new year. I know for me, right now I am acutely aware of all of my ‘flaws’ – all of the parts of me that I wish were more evolved, more capable of being completely unafraid, less neurotic, more generous, and more able to experience gratitude and joy. It […]