My Teachers, The Trees
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogI do not believe that I could be here, on earth if there were not beauty; if aspects of life were not like a cathedral with the feeling of some kind of beauty, love, truth or perhaps even god. I could not be here if I thought that what was here is all that is possible. I need to know that there is more.

Learning to Love All of Me
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Empowerment, Self Reflection, Self-Help, The Therapeutic Process Jennifer Lehr's BlogFor me, healing has often involved sending love from the current now reality back to aspects of myself in the past that had suffered. We do grow. Our lives do change. We do have different chapters.

A Message of Joy
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogLast night I was reading about joy. About increasing the joy in my life. And thinking about how I live, how I push, when I feel joyful, how I often put work in front of enjoyment. I had a dream, where my old friend Jim came to remind me about…

Twin Seed
All Posts, Empowerment, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogIt was as if a light shone upon the passage between my younger self, and the self I am today.
The other day I met a young man, the son of a friend. He was open. We talked. About his struggles. His desires. His journey. How he could address…

Please Forgive Me. Thank You.
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Marriage & Relationship Help, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogAs time seems to quicken, and our experiences intensify, and as I’ve personally experienced more loss and death in my life, I find myself seeking more peace. As I let go of more of the external – outcomes and things – I find myself needing…

The Pain of an Opening Heart
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogIt hurts for our hearts to open. Like when the blood has been cut off from a limb and begins to flow back in, it pricks and tingles, the intensity worsening as the oxygen-rich blood rushes in to feed the cells and nerves. The cells and nerves…

My Sense of Home
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Empowerment, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogMy much-loved husband nearly died three weeks ago. When I imagine my life without him, I realize that there is no place to go, nothing to do that could feel okay. I feel homeless, lost and adrift.
What is home, but a tender heart we connect…

My Mother’s Passing
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection, Wounds Jennifer Lehr's BlogMy mother died July 22nd after a yearlong battle fighting a rare and deadly cancer, mucosal melanoma. It was the day before my birthday and I wasn’t there. Perhaps she picked that day to spare me her death occurring on my birthday. We had…

The Balance of Peace and Growth
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Empowerment, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogAlthough much of my life revolves around a daily routine of work, like all of us, I find myself bombarded with sensations and images, thoughts and feelings – and often caught between delight and distress.
One moment I find myself in a clear…