Markers of Change
All Posts, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogAt approximately 4 PM on July 28th, my cat Hank was put to sleep. Over the next two days, I was at a wedding with two ceremonies. The first was a ritualized Hindu wedding for the groom’s family and the second was the traditional American…
Letting Go
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogThe other night I was in pieces. Waves of intense grief and emotional pain were coursing through me. For the past week or so, my 14-year-old cat Hank has not been feeling well, and not eating much. Hank is a small grey tabby that I got from…
I trust the universe. I trust your universe. Do you?
All Posts, Empowerment, Self Reflection, Self-Help Jennifer Lehr's BlogI was having a conversation the other day about one of my fears. My friend told me that he not only trusted the universe, but that he also trusted MY universe. I felt myself relax immediately.
How often do we think about the big picture?
Sometimes Our Potential Lies in Our Wounds.
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Empowerment, Marriage & Relationship Help, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogThis week I was reading some old writing I had done and ran across a piece I had written 14 years ago in 1996. This was shortly before I went back to school to become a therapist and it made me aware of the evolution of my thinking and growth…
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HeartCollage™ and SoulCollage®
HeartCollage™ Groups
I am a certified SoulCollage® facilitator. As I ran my groups I began to work a bit differently than traditional SoulCollage®. HeartCollage™ grew out of SoulCollage® for me. Although I am not currently running any HeartCollage™groups. SoulCollage® is available from other therapists. For more information go to
Jennifer J. Lehr, LMFT
Jennifer J. Lehr, LMFT, is an author, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and the founder and creator of WeConcile®, a relationship restoration program for couples, now coming out as an app, January 2022.