Psychology of Transformation

Psychology of Transformation

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The Psychology of Transformation; Mapping out the Path of Co-Creating a New Reality I have written this article for people who are in the process of transformation, and who are interested in living out of their own internal compass, rather…
trees depicting life is my friend

What If I Decided That My Life Is My Friend?

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As I watch people struggle in their lives (and because it is not my life I often have more perspective then they do), I sometimes see what they need to let go of. Maybe they are getting sick because it is the only way they can begin to relate…
Embracing the Present Moment

I Am In The Middle Of My Beautiful Life

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"I am in the middle of my beautiful life." I tell myself this on occasion, and it always moves me into gratitude and also opens me up to feeling. It is a way of honoring my life, with all of its complexities, flaws, joys, heartaches etc. Even…