My Perfect Life
All Posts, Empowerment, insight and awareness, self growth, Self Reflection, self-actualization Jennifer Lehr's BlogFor as long as I can remember, I've had this idea of a perfect life. Maybe because as a child, teenager and young adult, I felt forsaken by God, I felt trapped in my actual life. I didn’t know how to get from the life I had to the untarnished and perfect life I wanted.

Yoga as a Lens into Character Structure
All Posts, insight and awareness, Marriage & Relationship Help, Self Reflection, The Therapeutic Process, Wounds Healing Tips BlogIf you were to see character structure disorders as an image or bodily metaphor, you would see someone who hobbled along, with little freedom of movement always responding the same way to specific situations, rather than having the ability to choose their response and move freely, as a dancer would.
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What Is Your Canvas? Who Are You Creating?
All Posts, self growth, Self Reflection, self-actualization Jennifer Lehr's BlogArt is more than what we produce but is reflected in the quality of the life we create and the quality of our being.

Growing into a Bigger Heart
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Marriage & Relationship Help, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogI witness my disappointment because I can see him slowly leaving me, and I also witness my love, for I have the honor of tending him as he slows down. I am left with a choice. I can resent my husband’s limitations, or I can be a compassionate witness and helper.

Are You Swimming Upstream Or Following Your Bliss?
All Posts, Empowerment, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogFollow your bliss. The message zagged through my brain with the charge and sizzle of a lightning bolt. In one moment, my world reorganized.
I had been slogging through some work I wasn’t well suited for, feeling miserable and wondering how…

My Teachers, The Trees
All Posts, Emotional Healing, Self Reflection Jennifer Lehr's BlogI do not believe that I could be here, on earth if there were not beauty; if aspects of life were not like a cathedral with the feeling of some kind of beauty, love, truth or perhaps even god. I could not be here if I thought that what was here is all that is possible. I need to know that there is more.